Our Approach

Our Approach

Unlocking Value in Overlooked Market Segments

Alpha Loop Capital is focused on a long-short investment strategy and generating alpha through innovative strategies and client-centric integrity.

Our approach centers on generating uncorrelated returns through long-short equities, active investing and event-driven trading.

Long-Short Equities

We follow a fundamental, bottoms-up approach to investing and trading that seeks to identify and capitalize on inefficiencies across various market environments.


We engage actively with management teams for increased clarity, leveraging expertise and ethical practices.

Event-Driven Trading

We leverage our meticulous fundamental research process to inform quality-decision making for optimized incremental gains.

Collaborating for Growth

We build trust by fostering growth-oriented partnerships, collaborating closely with management teams as we aim transform undervalued investments into thriving opportunities.

Collaborating for Growth

We build trust by fostering growth-oriented partnerships, collaborating closely with management teams as we aim transform undervalued investments into thriving opportunities.